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Jordan Tasevski

SBS Spotlight: Inner Calling LLC

Our business relies on small business: that is why we came up with the small business spotlight where we select one small business a month to feature on our website and all of our social media platforms. We like to find small businesses that have been looking for unique ways to stay afloat, businesses powered by passion and not profits. The businesses where the owners are truly invested in what they have and only want to see their dreams prosper. We want to support the real small businesses of America. To be featured as part of our Small Business Spotlight, please reach out to us either by calling or texting 862-803-0225, by emailing us at, or by visiting us on our website at Our own unique way of giving back to the community we serve; the spotlight is a free post to our website blog and social media channels, with additional paid marketing features available as well for extra promotion.

Justork Lifestyle is back with the Small Business Spotlight. This Saturday we are featuring a self-inspired self-starter. We have the owner of Inner Calling, LLC based out of NJ. Who she is:

"Amanda Nafash is an intuitive career coach who counsels people of all ages and helps them both interview for and discover their inner calling. She believes in finding opportunities to pursue what you love while also bringing out the best in yourself."

You can find my bio and mission statement at our website,

1. Hometown / state / country origins:

My hometown is Ringwood, NJ. We have some of the best hiking spots in the world if you ask me ;)

2. Where are you located now?

I am still local! But I am looking to spend a lot of this next year traveling and working from the road.

3. Enneagram number:

I never did an enneagram test, but I do see myself changing over the years as I grow and learn to love certain aspects of myself, so even if I did a test last year, I would probably see different results today.

4. Zodiac sign:

Leo Sun, Sagittarius Moon, Capricorn Rising

5. Wake up / start your day routine:

I start my day with a cup of coffee (despite trying to kick this caffeine addiction.)

6. First job ever:

My first job was babysitting; I got CPR certified at 12 and started watching my cousin and sister and all of their friends.

7. Your best quality / skill:

My best skill is my ability to talk to people- conversation is how I built my business, grew my network, and established a reputation as a professional and student. I thank my Italian family for that!

8. Worst habit:

My worst habit is the high expectations I have for myself- though they have led me to achieve great things at young ages, they have also been the cause of a lot of stress and negative self- talk. This next phase of my life is dedicated to being more present and being proud of what I have already accomplished.

9. Introvert or extrovert?

An extrovert who values alone time

10. Business motto - influential motto? Mine is fall down 7, get up 8:

Sooo many favorite mottos, but something I love to remind my clients is "work smarter, not harder"

11. 3 things you love about being self employed:

TIME FREEDOM!! , getting to choose whose opinions get to impact the final business decisions, infusing my own values into every part of my business so I can truly see my mission in every day's work.

12. Favorite holiday:

Small Business Saturday!

13. Favorite small business you admire:

It's very hard to pick one small business, as I tend to surround myself with small business owners and young entrepreneurs,

14. Favorite Instagram to follow:

My sister runs a page called @_runningonplants_ where she talks about mental health, physical fitness, and posts pictures of all the delicious food she makes. She inspires me every day, and her posts always put a smile on my face!

15. Favorite vacation / place to unwind and let off steam:

I love the beach- everything melts away when I am swimming in the ocean or reading a book on the sand.

16. Next place you wish to travel:

I am hoping to go to Colorado and Louisiana in the next coming year!

17. 2021 personal goals:

My personal goals for the rest of 2021 are to absolutely live it up for my 24th birthday, and expose myself to more art, both man made and in nature.

18. 2021 business goals:

My business goals for the rest of 2021 are to host a vending fair and provide an outlet for other small businesses to succeed, to expand my listening network on my podcast, and to incorporate more networking events into my business.

19. Best business related purchase:

The best business related purchase I have made was my rebrand and website, which I had done by an up and coming entrepreneur! Her instagram is @everythingbybreckel I highly recommend her for all of your web design needs!

20. Ideal client:

My ideal client is someone who is open minded. When someone is willing to talk about their loftiest dreams and trust that I will be not only supportive, but also an asset to them achieving their goals, that's when the magic happens.

21. Your biggest business related failure:

I've come to realize that success is subjective. My old mindset is crumbling and a new one is taking its place, which I feel is much healthier. When things don't go as planned, I consider it a really important life and business lesson, and I analyze what I learned and how I can adjust from it. Failure is currently being phased out of my vocabulary.

22. A mistake that taught you the most / that you learned from:

A mistake I learned from was assuming that I could tell anyone and everyone about my intentions and plans for my business. I've learned after a year of business that it is sometimes best to keep your plans in a more private circle until they are completed or a little more concrete. Unfortunately not everyone has your best interest in mind. I never was one who understood the "move in silence" mentality, but this year I have definitely seen the positive aspects of it firsthand.

23. How / why you chose to work for yourself:

I chose to work for myself as I was finishing grad school in the height of Covid lockdown. While there were delays with the state in getting applications approved for the LSW exam, I decided to start my own business. Once I started, I couldn't look back. I don't think I'll ever return to a cog-in-the-wheel position.

24. Your entrepreneurial summary / journey to how you got here:

My whole adolescent life I was doing a bunch of odd jobs, so I made connections everywhere I went, and I ended up being the connection for so many of my loved ones to network or get jobs in different places. I love to be a listening ear and a mentor to those around me. I was a social work student from my second semester at community college, and every semester I changed my idea on what I wanted to do in the field. Right before graduating with my Bachelor's degree I was required to do some career readiness through our Career Center on campus, and thus began my love of career coaching and college counseling. I talk a lot about this journey in the first episode of The Inner Calling Podcast.

25. Your biggest win:

My biggest win is hard to pinpoint. I think the greatest feeling was on my one year anniversary with Inner Calling when I reflected on how many of my goals I achieved, and remembering that when I started the business I told myself, "I'll do it for one year. Next year if it doesn't seem like it's working out, or if I don't love it, I'll pack up shop and chalk it up to experience." Now I hit the ground running with plans for year 2. It's going to grow so much more, and so am I. I can't imagine giving up on Inner Calling now.

26. Advice for new business owners:

New business owners, take those opportunities for help people are offering you! Barter your products and services! Making connections is how you stay alive and successful. We are not in this alone. "It takes a village. . ."

27. Favorite recipe:

My favorite recipe is for snicker-doodles, I learned how to make them in my high school foods class and they are my favorite thing to make in the winter. They make the whole house smell like butter and cinnamon.

28. Mac or PC?


@innercallingllc on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter!











































Justork Lifestyle

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Justork lifestyle is a business consultant and financial advisor. We help small businesses from start to finish; from the funding stage all the way to product launch. One of our consultants is with you, every step of the way, to answer all of your questions and drive your business to success. For more information, please visit our website or reach out to us via email at We offer a variety of services, including but not limited to:


Business loans

Real estate loans

Buy & flip / fix & flip loans

Short term and long term Mortgages

Cannabis business loans

Startup loans

Franchise loans

Cash advance

Business line of credit


Custom uniform and apparel

Screen printing, embroidery, DTG direct to garment, heat transfer vinyls

Social media marketing

Branding and logo design

Custom websites

Google ad campaigns

Facebook and Instagram ad campaigns

Fulfillment and warehousing for apparel/product

Business planning and strategy

Financial consulting


PPC campaigns

SEO & back links

Blog publications

Google ranking

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